Having A Life often is a much resented intrusion into our quality time on the net
Doing a quick update:
Having A Life often is a much resented intrusion into our quality time on the net...
Yes, that serves as the concise reality for many of us. Even so- the few posts here and there should show me as "NOT DEAD!" I'm shortly off to Maker Faire KC. But one update almost missed, I've formally registered allcatsgotohell.com as a placeholder. Still edfing around some fiddlybits of Origin Story Etc for characters of "Concept Anchor"importance lest I be forced into Retcon if I B0rk details that won't mesh with stuff already cast in brimstone.
But one pretty firm element is almost frozen in wood:
Rainbow Bridge: We all know what it looks like in our mind's eye... even if we've never looked closely enough yet. A closer look from POV- Cat after Life #9 has been completed? Ah, THEY see something that few if any mere mortals will ever see directly absent things best not speculated upon. .. The cat sees their attention inexorably compelled to the left gatepost of the fabled Rainbow Bridge. and thence they read it clearly... HEY CAT!!! and an Arrow.
Arrow points to Spiral Staircase leading down into That which is simply called Hell. Leaning against rail of Staircase is a rather obviously shopworn cat tapping a large cigar with his thumb. And using thumb on other paw to point downwards.
Details of Opening Walk to ninth level still in polish to mesh with already frozen tiles of a mosaic... other than wondering how to avoid drama over using a REAL piccy of the "Our Mission Your Future" sign as the banner above the cat's work doorway.
My friend Oren often would tell me part or all of this story and bounce ideas off me on illustrations. Maybe in the relm he is in now he will finish it, publish it and somehow send me a copy from the great beyond. Damn Oren why did you die so young? SIGH
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